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spiritual love—the real love. Majnu had physical love, Ishke Mejazi, for Laila. When he couldn't find Laila, he asked everyone where she was. He even went to Mecca and embraced the pillars of Kaba, asking 'Where is Laila?' He almost went mad for this love. Then he met a Perfect Master, who told him, 'God is real, the world is illusion. There is no Laila at all . . . how can you find her? Only God exists and is real.' Majnu said, 'Whether my Laila is real or illusory I want her.' Then that Perfect Master had a whim—he touched Majnu on the head. Majnu became God-Realized and experienced himself also as Laila. There was no one but Himself.


“In love, one has to suffer a lot. If I tell you, Anita, to discard your dress and go naked around the city and beg, would you be able to? You won't do it willingly. Ella, will you do it? "


Ella Winterfeldt: “I’ll try"


Baba: "Ben, you won't do it!"


Ben: "I won't keep awake!"


Baba: "It's your duty to keep Me awake this noon, when all the Easterners come! And if you keep awake, I'll keep awake! To love God, one should think of God, long for God and suffer the fire of separation until such longing reaches its utmost limits and is quenched in Union. But one who obeys the Master—who is one with God—need not suffer, for in obedience there is the grace of the Master. Even obedience is not easy. Therefore there is no solution at all! Eruch is with Me, he loves Me, he works for Me wholeheartedly, but even for him it is not easy to obey Me.'


Eruch: "I just tell Baba we are helpless, in this and all other matters. I found this out during my long stay of many years with Baba. I thought obedience was easy, but I didn't know Baba would say 'Get up' and 'Sit down' at one and the same time! So I tell Baba, 'I am absolutely helpless, I can't obey You, I can't love You!'"


Baba: "Eruch loves Me very much―he is My right hand, but obedience is a terrible affair. The apostles of Jesus also knew how difficult it was to obey Him."


Eruch: "We can't please Baba even with obedience; so it is not obedience. Yet to please Him is the aim of everything we do."


Baba: "The best is just to remember Me and forget everything else, leave everything to Me. This is a complicated matter for those who are very interested in spirituality, but not for those who love Me. Try to remember




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