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Baba smilingly chided, "How can you have two things—see Me here, and see Me as I really am?"


Baba: "How very complicated a simple thing has been made! I am giving you a hint—the easiest way to achieve the Goal of life is to leave all and follow Me through love. I don't mean that you should leave your house and family and come here! Don't do that! (Laughter) I mean that you be in your house and with your family but love Me as I want you to love Me—love Me above all. That is the simplest way. Another hint—a still more simple way to attain the Goal is to obey Me . . . obey Me implicitly. Is it possible? That is simpler than the simplest thing. Try. If you try, I help you.


“It is because of My love I have drawn you all to Me. If I did not love you, you would not come to Me or care for Me. It is not your love that has brought you to Me, it is My Love that has drawn you to Me. Good old Margaret, she helped two other lovers to come to Me."


Eruch then read out Baba's message for this day: No one dies, no one is born; the only fortunate and rare one who does die, dies the Real Death and takes birth in God. Otherwise "no one dies and no one is born."


"What does this mean?" Baba asked. "It's like going to sleep; and when you take another birth, another form, it is like waking up in the morning but in a new body, in new circumstances. This process goes on repeating itself until you die the Real Death and take birth in Me. Harry, do you have anything to say?"


Dr. Kenmore: "This represents the ultimate blessed culmination of the supreme purpose of life."


Baba: “Another point. There are some who exist to hate others, to be jealous of others and make others unhappy; and there are some who exist to love others, to make others happy. One who has become one with God exists for all, both good and bad. Jesus Christ existed for others. To become one with God, one has not to renounce anything but one's own self. How does one renounce his own self? Anita—can you tear yourself out of yourself?


"I remember one incident when I was a boy. There were four spiritually-minded Iranis who had read in books that one must renounce oneself. They decided the best way to lose themselves was to get intoxicated. They started to drink and for them their experiences were wonderful. Near the




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