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come with the sole idea of enjoying His PRESENCE collectively, and not hope or want or ask for any individual attention or guidance from Him—regarding any matter concerning themselves or their families and friends, or in connection with Baba-work or Group and Centre activities. NO question should be asked, spiritual or otherwise."


As the room vibrated with Baba's living Presence, all problems—even those unknown ones buried deep in the mind—seemed to dissolve. The only problem I felt was: "How can I love Baba more? How can I fill my heart up with love for Him? All that love comes from Him . . . I am helpless even to love Him without His grace."


Baba told us part of the Australian group had been delayed by a cancellation of their flight from Colombo, due to the war crisis. They were coming on by boat.


When someone mentioned how wonderful He looked, He said, "I look alright on the outside but on the inside I am like a volcano. The world situation is weighing on Me. Jesus Christ suffered . . . I suffer."


When He mentioned the “volcano,” His hands made a swirling motion over His chest. His eyes twinkled as He intimated He had averted the Cuban crisis. It was touch and go, He said, the whole world hung in the balance.


Again going back to the subject of discourses, He said that no amount of reading will give anyone God-Realization. But once one gets it—it comes suddenly. He emphasized that God is Love, Infinite Love, and that this world is nothing. Yesterday has gone―it is nothing. The future is nothing too. And when you get that Realization then everything goes—it no longer exists. One realizes it is all nothing, illusion, Maya.


There are so many divisions, Baba continued, even though God is One. Why are there so many divisions? It is all because of Illusion and our ignorance of it.


Speaking of "dreams" and “illusions,” Baba told us of one of His devotees who was now bravely giving up taking drugs for His sake, and was undergoing tortures. He also said to one of us in the group who had a drinking problem, "Fill your cup with the Wine of Divine Love; then you will not want to drink anything else." Again Baba cautioned us to take care of our health, but also hinted that we might have to suffer for the sake of being here with Him. How real a hint this was many of us found out shortly as we made our acquaintance with " Poona belly," "Poona floo” and a few other goodies.




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