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which set the keynote for the whole visit.


"Divinity is not devoid of humanity. The infinite embraces all expressions of life. Spiritually does not mean renunciation of worldly activities. It means the internal renunciation of mundane desires.


"Mere asceticism does not lead to spirituality. Perfection cannot be perfection if it shrinks from the dual expressions of nature and tries to escape from entanglements. It must assert its dominion over all illusion, however attractive and however powerful. A Perfect Being functions with complete detachment in the midst of the most intense activity, being at the same time in contact with all forms of life.


"Divinity includes all that is beautiful and gracious. How, therefore, could you expect a Perfect Being not to have a sense of humor?


"Each one of you has to help in my work according to your individual capacity, and be in touch with the world for whatever work lies in store for you. I will teach you how to move in the world, yet be at all times in inward communion with me as the Infinite Being.


"You will have to experience both the comforts of Nasik and the discomforts of Rahuri and Meherabad, and be detached from each. "Don't worry and don't hurry!"


The following are "talks" given to us by Baba on the 23rd, 24th and 25th December.


"It is natural to be tired on account of the body. Although body and mind are two different entities, they are interdependent. When the mind feels tired, the reaction is felt by the body; when the body feels tired, so does the mind. Only the soul is aloof from both. All this feeling is done by the ego. The “I” does not feel content, that means 'I am unhappy,’ 'I am in trouble.' All this is the ego.


"Now this limited 'I' takes all that is unimportant as important, and vice versa. There is a world of difference between importance and necessity. Bodily needs and comforts are unimportant but necessary. Spirituality which is important but externally unnecessary is taken as unimportant.


"See how unimportant the external is. Quetta was a flourishing town and within five minutes it was destroyed. This is unimportant. If it were of real importance, the Infinite would not have it destroyed. Look at Spain. All that was thought to be of importance was destroyed.




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