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He noted my name and address in his register and presented me a book entitled "Meher Baba—His Philosophy and Teachings." The book was found after much search, perhaps it was the last copy of the edition.


A few days afterwards when I entrained for Poona I began to feel as if some very dear, very precious object was remaining behind. Now I know whose love brought me to Ahmednagar and made me aware of the necessity of holding on to His Daaman tightly.


I was now receiving the Life Circulars from Adijee and then I received the circular No. I8, which was about the coming Meherabad Meeting on 29th and 30th September 1954. At that time I was under severe financial strain, but the desire to go to Meherabad for Baba's Darshan was also very powerful. (The distance between Jabalpur and Ahmednagar is approximately 600 miles). I was required to send R. 22/—before 1st August 54, as per Life Circular No. I8, which I could not afford to. As the time drew near I did collect some money, but this was not sufficient. But some friends who were railway ticket checkers helped me to go to Manmad. At Ahmednagar Thade came to my help and we reached Meherabad on 28th, by 4 p.m. It was raining in torrents and non-stop. Baba sent a message to the devotees in charge of the meeting arrangements, telling them not to feel worried about the rains and everybody to take Anacin at the time of retiring.


In the morning of the 29th Sept. 54, Baba arrived and his car stopped by the cabin. He came out of the car and quickly went into the cabin. It was as if a lightning flashed for a moment and I had just a glimpse of it from behind. Baba did not appear to me as he appeared to look in the photo-prints.


Then Baba came to the Pandal, where I had the first full view of Him. When Baba's eyes fell on me I bowed down my head in salutation. Baba has a way of looking which made me feel that He was looking at me, while the person just behind me or even a hundred yards behind me, might have thought just the same thing in relation to himself. Baba then embraced everyone on the left side. If someone happened to embrace Baba on the right, he was told that the embrace was cancelled and he then was given an embrace on the left side.


In the afternoon Beloved Baba himself served us the mid-day meals, giving us puris. (Indian chapati prepared in butter oil.) When He approached




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