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was accepting no gifts other than small tokens or remembrances. "You must stop wanting," Baba reminded us. When He remarked that westerners did not ask Him for as many things as easterners, one could not help thinking that a reason might be the greater abundance of material possessions in the west. And even westerners realize that Baba's love is present without asking.


About 11 a.m. Baba dismissed the group and Meherjee took me to the hotel. In the afternoon Adi came by for some serious talk. Later Meherjee took me on a tour. We visited the house where Baba lived as a boy. There His brother, Beheram and family, including the twin boys, showed me Baba's tiny meditation room. Next we went by St. Vincent's where Baba went to school and played cricket. Around the corner was Babajan's tree and shrine. Stopping at the Jessawala home, we had cold lemonade. In addition to members of the Jessawala family, we met Naja who prepares Baba's meals. At Meherjee's home, "Meher Villa," we had tea with Mrs. Karkaria and the daughters, Mehernaz and Pervin. After a fast look at a Hindu temple and adjacent chambers carved out of the rock, we went to Ramakrishna's for a visit with Francis and Ramju. Back at the hotel, Meherjee told me to be ready to go to Baba at 8 a.m. the next day.


A few minutes before 8 a.m. on Sunday Meherjee, his daughters and Eruch's brother came by the hotel. We drove straight to Guruprasad, where throngs had already gathered. Going into the side room, we found Baba as the day before. He asked what I had seen and how I had slept; then arranged my return to the airport that afternoon. With all the activity and so many things to be done, I regretted taking Baba's time for such affairs. Baba talked briefly about the westerners who loved Him and asked if I remembered the play at Myrtle Beach at which He had laughed so much. (I think Baba had just received Mike's "Remember Alligator Day" card). Then Baba told a story about a winking man, the moral of which was, don't wink at people. The sweetest words to me were when Baba told the group, "Marvin loves me."


By now it was nearly 9 o'clock and time for the darshan to start. Baba dismissed the group and walked through a door into the central room where the main event of the day was to take place.


Except for an aisle down the center, the room was packed with people sitting on the floor. Outside and on the front porch, hundreds were standing




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