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Although Baba had not been receiving gifts for long before His present year of seclusion, special permission had been granted for us all to give Him something, and it was determined via His sister Mani, that a traveling clock might be appreciated. Harry Florsheim and John Bass then presented the clock to Baba, with its hands set on Indian time. Four other clocks for the mandali and one for Mani were set for London time, Myrtle Beach time, San Franciscan time and Australian time, appropriate for such a whirlwind tour around the world! Baba seemed happy and pleased as He accepted the gifts and gave them with His own hands to the mandali.


Marion then asked for a moment of silence together with Baba; after which a wondrous four-tiered white birthday cake appeared girdled with flaming candles and the legend, "The Goal of Life . . . to be United with Him through Love," On the top of the cake was a large "Baba flag," made by Mary Andriani, striped with the seven spectrum colors, signifying the seven planes of consciousness. A seven-year-old Baba lover, Larry Karrasch, and twelve-year old Bobby Ferenz, garlanded Baba with a lei of sweet carnations, winning an embrace and kiss from the Beloved. They obligingly did it again for the various TV and movie cameras whirring nearby amid the bright lights that had now been turned on Baba. He rose, and with a charming smile, cut His "Birthday Remembrance" cake; then Otto wheeled it all around the room while we sang the traditional "Happy Birthday" to Baba.


Ivy Duce said: "All over the world people have been celebrating Baba's Birthday, but we have not had the opportunity to have Baba with us on His Birthday. Though in the past it had been celebrated according to the Parsee calendar, on different dates, it has now fallen on the 11th of February. Baba henceforth wants His Birthday to be celebrated on the 25th of February (the day on which He was born according to our Western calendar). This cake is our "Remembrance Cake," in remembrance of our birthday with Baba—or Mehermas Day, as a few of us have begun to call it."


Meanwhile a large paper kite with Baba's picture on it and a "tail" of seven bows of different colors, was passed from table to table for signatures. On it were Baba's words: "Where the kite goes, its tail goes, as long as it sticks to the kite. So long as you keep your grip tight it matters little whether you are a saint or a sinner." It was later given to Baba, who took it with Him to Myrtle Beach.


Again, the Master was restless to greet those devotees He had not yet




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