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were assembled, with a tray of flowers and sweets, and give one of each to the assembled company. Then, walking across the room, He smiled at the dreamer and said, "Give each one here a kiss in My love."


Baba has said that such experiences, though due to His grace, are not known by Himself, but are due to the recipient's love and faith. When recounted after the guests had left and repeated the next morning a most remarkable feeling of Baba's love and presence was experienced.




Below are some of Meher Baba's addresses given during the London visit through His interpreter, Eruch Jessawala, and noted by C. B. Purdom:


"God is within everyone. He is in all of us, Infinite, All-Powerful. The helplessness that you feel now, here as you are now in the body, is all illusion, although God is so omnipotent . . . Why is that? It is illusion. It is the veil between you and God. The veil of what? That veil is the veil of ignorance. Once you come to know that the body is not real and this body is not you, then that veil of ignorance is lifted. When you are indeed asleep, the body is there, although you are not. The body breathes and yet you are not aware of its breathing, when you are asleep; then you may dream you eat; or in the dream you go to the pictures. It is not the body that dreams. It must be YOU.


"Suppose this body had its legs cut off; you are in no way less conscious; nor do you feel that there is any curtailment in your own existence. You are still you and your consciousness is not curtailed. Mind understands, yet the veil of illusion is not lifted because of the veil of ignorance which you still have.


"Once you see God within you, you get that conviction (of God). There is no more doubt. Then there is the experience of infinite bliss.


"I give my blessings to you all."




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