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There he was never happy to see us with a pencil and pad when sitting with him. Here are a few sayings given in Nasik . . .


"Do not get disheartened or alarmed when adversity, calamity, or misfortunes pour upon you. Thank God, for He has thereby given you the opportunity of acquiring forbearance and fortitude. One who has acquired the power of bearing with adversity can easily enter upon the Spiritual Path..:'


"Do not get angry, but be pleased with him who backbites you, for he thereby renders service to you by diminishing the load of your sanskara ―and also pity him, for thereby he makes his load of sanskaras more burdensome...”


"Don't criticize. The habit of criticizing our fellow-beings is a bad one. At the back of it often lies self-righteousness, conceit, a false sense of superiority. Sometimes it indicates envy, or a desire for retaliation."


After Baba had given us time to settle down, he gave us individual instructions bearing on the practical and spiritual (or ethical) aspects of our daily life.


All felt sad when Baba announced he would not be staying in Nasik the whole time. Once or twice a week, and later on less frequently, he would come over from Meherabad to be with us. As Baba explained, he had much work to attend to—his Meherabad Ashrams, his work in Rahuri with the God-mad, and now the Nasik group, no doubt the toughest job! Each Centre needed Baba's personal supervision. Baba admits he has that bad Avataric habit of supervising every detail himself. No doubt things are less likely to go wrong. More important, Baba has direct contact with those who later have to carry out his instructions.


Purdom emphasizes this point: "Baba's mission is, by contact with others throughout the world, not in one country but in all, to enable those he contacts to transcend nature and the world."


So Baba kept us busy during his seemingly long intervals of absence. With his incredible activity, he had the Ashram buzzing with released energy in various directions.


In Nasik Baba brought up the plan for a magazine under the title of "AVATAR." Many were the discussions and arguments on the form and


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