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this sophisticated and polished music was beyond description. It sounded like frolicking winds whispering in enchanted caves one moment, and like snorting elephants the next. It is part of the rich classical heritage of India.


When in Lebanon, beneath whispering pines and cedars, we heard deep earthy rumblings underground, which prove to be torrents of gurgling, icy waters flowing unexpectedly from dry and barren rocks.


In Cairo, housed on the "Kasad Khuer" anchored on the banks of the Nile, we welcomed night and moonlight. Seated on deck, we heard the faintly rippling waters caught in a current of nightly sounds. Here we felt His presence everywhere—in the frolicking, twinkling lights, deep beneath the cold waters, high in the black space above—penetrating our inner beings, all wrapped in gentle, caressing melody.


New York and her jaded clash of unharmonious harmony mingled with the voices of dear ones, on hand to welcome us. Finally landing on our home soil, we were met by the shrill musical laughter of children and the tingling warmth of loving arms. We are home, knowing that His music and love is and always will be ever present, within the reach of all to share.


3 black stars


From Joseph Hamad Harb:


Joyously and somewhat humbly I declare that it was a supreme privilege to be called and be brought by the Perfect Master to His sphere of activity, for the purpose of receiving personal instruction and guidance on the path to God-Realization. Baba's first message to us upon our arrival in India was, "Be happy!" The anxieties of the trip were dispelled and we were happy. That message was oft-repeated and was kept in our consciousness all during the days that followed. Indeed, we were intensely conscious of the atmosphere of all-pervading Love about Baba's ashram.


Those from the Western hemisphere who participated in the Great Darshan on September 12th, 1954, were invited to be present on the platform of the pandal with Him to witness Baba lovingly install and instill the spiritual seed in the hearts of those who came to receive His "prasad," to awaken them to their spiritual mission in life by giving them the fruit or sweets which are the token of the far greater gift —His Blessed, Divine love—which each received from the Master for their spiritual awakening.




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