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He had a perfect command over the vast assembly which responded to his quaintly emphatic gestures, as musicians to the conductor's baron. He would follow up the admonition by leading the crowd in shouts of "Meher Baba ki jai." Amidst the acclamation Gadge Maharaj skillfully led Baba through the crowd to the car, and after he was seated next to Baba, the car was driven from the river bank at 12:45 a.m. on the 7th of November.


As the car moved on towards the dharmashala, Gadge Maharaj joined his hands and turning to Baba, said that he was too old now to do any more work: if Baba would keep him with him, he would not be a burden to him, and a piece of bread and a garment would be all he would require. On hearing this Baba felt touched and amused. He smiled lovingly and embraced Gadge Maharaj warmly. Later Baba told the Mandali that the real meaning of Gadge Maharaj's words could not be understood by any other than Baba. He said Gadge Maharaj was indeed a perfect saint in the real sense of the word.


When Gadge Maharaj had come to Pimpalgaon to invite Baba to Pand­harpur he had said something similar, and had added, after bowing down to Baba, that the strain of work was too much and begged Baba to relieve him by placing his hand on his head, saying that this would be the greatest reward. That time also Baba was seen to be amused and had smiled at this meaningful request. Later Baba said Gadge Maharaj, through the Knowledge of his Sainthood, knew who BABA was.


Before descending from the car at his dharmashala, Gadge Maharaj told Baba he wanted him to visit his other dharmashala, which was especially built to give shelter and food to harijan* pilgrims who feared to mix with those of superior castes and class. Baba promised to visit it in the morning, and added that he would also visit the leper colony and bathe one leper, after which he would leave Pandharpur for Satara.


After leaving Gadge Maharaj, Baba and his Mandali returned to the secluded residence placed at their disposal. There they were joined by Baba's other lovers. Baba asked for tea, of which be took only a sip or two. After all had been refreshed Baba enquired if they now felt able to keep awake till dawn when they would visit Gadge Maharaj's Harijan Dharmashala,






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