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People gathered there, mostly Brahmins, for Maharaj was Brahmin by birth.


"Shall I stop now and go on to the planes?" The answer was "No."


“It is all the same to Me," said Baba. "Who was the Master of Jesus? John the Baptist. You must have read how the disciples of John found fault with Jesus' disciples for living in comfort and having good food, when they had nothing of the kind. I will tell you how history repeats itself. Do not worry, do not doubt. God knows I am consciously One with Him. Yesterday a very peculiar thing happened. The president of a society in the south of India wrote Me to send a mantra* there. They wanted Me to send a mantra, as they were preserving mantras and wanted something from My hand. They sent a new copybook for Me to fill. I dictated: 'I Am the Highest of the High: I Am the Ancient One.' I signed this with My own hand when written in the book."


Eruch said that this was the first time Baba had signed such a declaration with His own hand; and he had asked for a copy, signed by Baba, for the office, which He gave.


"Why not say what I really am?" said Baba. "Divine honesty demands it."


"John the Baptist was a wonderful being. He gave his neck; he was the Master of Jesus. Jesus got Himself crucified. Last night I died a million deaths, and this morning I was so heavy in the head I thought of canceling My visit to you. But suddenly I was well."


Baba resumed about Upasni Maharaj. "People began to come pouring in for His darshan, mostly Brahmins. A structure was erected and a Brahmin atmosphere prevailed. Maharaj and I used to sit together every day, and the Brahmins got jealous. 'Why is this Zoroastrian so favored by Maharaj?' they asked. Maharaj gradually gave hints of My divinity. Few could swallow this, many resented it, but our daily sittings continued. They built a Hindu temple there and performed the usual ceremonies. Then one day Maharaj declared to all the Mandali that Merwan is now Perfect."


Ramjoo, Adi Sr., and others were there at that period. Ramjoo said to us that the impression made on their minds was that Maharaj wanted them to follow Baba and to carry out His orders, important or unimportant, even though they found them difficult. Adi said, He wanted us to stick to Baba


*Sentence for Meditation.





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