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inconveniences involved, BABA sent for the boy and his father. The boy without marked effort was capable of going into a trance for a considerable length of time in the midst of crowds. He would suddenly lose consciousness and his eyes would remain closed as naturally as in deep sleep but instead of becoming completely limp, his hands would move, synchronizing their action with the movements of BABA'S hands, even though BABA would at that time be sitting out of sight of the boy. The boy, on being asked, could blindly pick out a particular person from amongst BABA'S men and without the slightest flicker of his closed eyes, his hands would seek and find that particular person's hand, refusing to accept any other.


BABA said that the boy was remarkable and appealed to him very much, and if properly cared for might well become a saint. On the other hand, BABA said, unless the boy was firmly and sympathetically discouraged forthwith from succumbing to his present impulses, which were quite honest and natural, he would later on be tempted to play the saint without actually becoming one and that would ruin him. After keeping the boy near him for a day BABA sent him back with his father to Andhra where ultimately under BABA'S personal supervision, the boy resumed going to school and began again to lead the more normal life of a boy of his age.


A certain devotee of BABA, Krishnaji, who had attended the Meherabad congregation on November 8th and was one of those who had conducted BABA round Upasni Maharaj's samadhi at Sakori, was also invited to participate in the programs at Saoner. Before BABA left for Nagpur, he ordered Krishnaji to travel as an itinerant monk in the north of India for a certain specified period. After giving him elaborate instructions covering every conceivable point concerning the itinerary, BABA summed up as follows:


1.  "Wherever you are let people know about my Love. Spread it like fire."


2.  "You must always and under all circumstances beg for your food and eat whatever is             given to you. You are not to eat anything unless you have begged for it, and you must            not accept more than what you can eat at one time. You must not, under any                     circumstances, possess eatables in any form as reserves."


3.  “Accept no money from anyone but never travel without a ticket. Normally I do not                        touch money but I am giving you this sum with my own hands. It will be more than                       enough to cover traveling expenses, but remember not a pie is to be spent for food or            anything else."


4.   "Carry out the program chalked out for you, if needs be at the cost of your  life."




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