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Seclusion it came back to life, was repainted blue of two shades, fixed up with new blue curtains, seats removed, raised on stilts off the ground; and here BABA sat in complete seclusion and fast for forty days. Those called to read to BABA from the different Scriptures sat outside and read to BABA within. Also, BABA asked all his disciples and devotees throughout India and the West to share in his work by keeping complete silence for one month and partaking of only one meal a day, plus a single cup of tea and two slices of bread for breakfast.


When BABA emerged from this Seclusion it was to drop what was to us . . . a bomb-shell! On August 1st, all in Meherabad were called to Pimpalgaon to a big meeting at which BABA warned us of what was about to happen. In brief, the closing of all centers and ashrams, with ninety percent of the men and women Mandali being sent to the outside world by BABA for work, and ten percent remaining with BABA to accompany him in his New Life. Over and above the disbanding of the ashrams, came the warning that after October 1st, BABA would be absolutely helpless, in the true and literal sense of the word, on account of some personal disaster.


I was one of the ninety percent sent to work outside, choosing one of the four alternatives given to the women Mandali, which was to leave everything to BABA and to do exactly as BABA said, accepting with full faith whatever decision he made for us. BABA's last words to us were that we were to rely only on GOD, to work only for GOD, seeking no reward and to be completely detached, leaving all results to GOD.


I remember thinking at the time that this was to be our test and I thought of that passage from the Gita: . . . "One who is never affected by circumstances, one who is calm in all trials, whom no one else's moods or behaviour upsets, one whose faith is never shaken, one who is cheerful even in the jaws of death, such an one only is worthy of loving Me." Alas! The higher the goal, the more frequent the failure.


Before BABA started out on the New Life, a final meeting was held in Meherabad (only the men Mandali were present) at which BABA directed the following message to be read aloud. "Nothing in India remains in BABA'S name or as his property excepting the Meherabad Hill premises on which the tomb for my bodily remains has already been built by me, and you all should always remember that when I leave my body it has got to be buried there."




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